Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
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17Feb6 PM Kyiv DanceTue
18Feb7 PM Ukraine Moleben at Holy TrinityThu
20Feb10 AM Parishioner Sr. Coffee Hour
11:30 AM Scripture ClassFri
21Feb6:30 PM Parish Men’s GroupSat
22Feb6:00PM VespersSun
23FebMeat Fare Sunday
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy & Coffee HourMon
24Feb6 PM Kyiv Dance
6:30 PM Parish Council Mtg.Tue
25Feb6PM Akathist to Pantanassa
7 PM Ukraine Moleben at Sts Peter/PaulWed
26Feb6 PM Pysanky Workshop @ South Fayette
Please use the MONTHLY CALENDAR BUTTON, not the Monthly Calendar link to access the correct information. Thank you.
Welcome to St. Peter & St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Carnegie, PA!
Please browse our website to learn about our parish community!
Please consider joining us for Vespers on Saturdays at 6:00 PM or Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.
St. Peter & St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church is under the omophor of the His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Eastern Eparchy/Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We are a unique community of men and women of all backgrounds and ages, dedicated to serving God and proclaiming the Good News through the ancient Traditions of the Holy Orthodox Church. We celebrate and preserve our Faith as it has been passed to us by God through our ancestral homeland Rus'- Ukraine, and we share it with all who would come to know and grow in Christ through the teaching and Mysteries of His Church.
This Church family continually searches for dynamic ways to serve the Lord, manifest the light of Christ to the world and try to address the needs of all of God’s people. At its core, St. Peter and St. Paul in Carnegie is an Orthodox Christian family that faithfully comes together at the Eucharistic Banquet every Sunday to worship the Lord; and in this light discover the manner and means by which to better know Him and do His will. With a host of ministries and activities, there is a place and opportunity for everyone to grow in Christ, share His love and glorify Him at all places and at all times!
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